Saturday, April 14, 2007

These exercises look so easy....

Hi Everyone,
Yay! The last nasty drain was pulled (literally) on Friday. So, yesterday afternoon I decided that I would look at some of these silly exercises that are in the binder I received from the doctor's office. These things look rediculouslly easy, until you try them. One of the exercises is to make a "Y" with your arms, like in the YMCA dance. Well, I can't do a "Y", my move is more like Jesus holding his arms up to his people. So, as our neighbor Terri eleuded to in her post, I am working on what I am calling the "pre-exercises", which will hopefully get me to the full stupid exercises.

On another note, we watched The Departed last night and didn't understand why that guy killed the cop mole guy (Matt Damon) at the end of the movie. Did he just not like him so he shot him in the head? By the end, everyone just ended up getting shot in the head. If anyone can clue me in - please do. Maybe call or send an e-mail to my home address ( so we don't ruin it for everyone else if I haven't already!

Also, to all of you that brought meals this week - thank you so much. They were all wonderful!



Unknown said...

Keep up the good work. Great, great news on your last post. Hurray!

Howie, Deb, and Eric

k&d said...

No harm in being like Jesus. Hugs back. Karen

Dad said...

Matt had it right. You said you asked him why they killed the guy at the end and his response was, "Because they killed everybody." It's simple.

I thought the Y looked kind of like a W. Keep up the good work and eat a Grapple a day - if you can get Olivia to share.

Love you, dad

Rick said...

Hey girl,
We'er glad your doing better and getting stronger every day. You are in our thoughts and prayers evryday. The Jesus look is a good thing. Keep up the good work.
Check up on you later,
Rick Austin and family

4holmes said...

Awesome news from your last post. Thanks for mentioning the movie...I haven't seen that one yet and I'm not sure I have to now. I'm not sure if we'll be making an appearance on the 5th. Lisa graduates this year and it's cruch time getting ready for her party etc....If only Mark could work faster. I'd do physical labor but I'm just the supervisor.

Rosemary Wirth said...

Glad to hear you are able to even think about the exercises! We had been out of town for a while and of course had been wondering how things were going for you. It appears as if the really bad stuff is behind you and you can continue with optimism. You obviously have an awesome Doctor in Dr. Walker. My mom is a patient of his (survivor of two years and counting). Keep on thinking positively and try to pick more uplifting movies.HA HA!

Anonymous said...

Hey, do you think Matt could come and wash my kids' hair too? They can get pretty yucky! Margaret has a dance competition on the 5th, so we will not be able to be there to walk. However, any social activities afterward, I am always available for that!