Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ready, Set, Go??

Hello Everyone,
We met with the oncologist last Thursday morning and discussed the treatment. The drugs used will be a combination of three drugs. The abbreviation for the combination is FEC. The F is 5-FU or Fluorouracil, the E is Epirubicin and the C is Cytoxan. They will be administered every three weeks, there will be six cycles.

I'm supposed to start treatment on the 10th of May. Dr. Walker is putting a "port" in on the 8th since my left arm can't be used and I don't want to "wreck" the veins in my right arm. The port will be at the top of my chest off to one side. It's about the size of a quarter or so and is completely under the skin. Blood can be drawn and the medicine can be administered using the port.

However, we may havea set-back. One of the incisions isn't healing quite as well in one spot. So, until the plastic surgeon gives the ok, we won't be able to start. We went ahead and scheduled everything in hopes we will start this on schedule. I meet with Dr. Whitfield, the plastic surgeon, next Wednesday, the 2nd, so hopefully that will go well.

I guess we just have to wait and see.....seems to be the case quite often. I'm not very good at that.


k&d said...

You can do it!!!!!!!!!!! Karen

Aunt Joan said...

Hi Sandy,
Waiting stinks, doesn't it? Hopefully you'll be able to start when you had planned. I have a friend who underwent chemo several years ago for breast cancer. I don't know what her "cocktail" was but her oncologist gave her something that pretty much wiped out any nausea. Did your doctor mention anything about that? See you Saturday.
Love, AJ

Nancy & John said...

Thanks so much for the update. I'm really looking forward to seeing you on Saturday (before the chemo starts) You sound so positive which is really great. I hope your visit with the plastic surgeon goes well so you can start your chemo on time. Lets get this overwith already!! Good Luck!

Love to all, Nancy & John

Pam Roble said...


I know it's hard to want to continue beating this thing!! Hang in there, it sounds like you're doing great!!

Speaking of doing great (did you like my segway?), I just checked Sandy's Strider's team amount...and remember, this is just those donations made online...we're up to $2,595.00!!!! Amazing!!


Kendra said...

I'm so glad you're getting the port...I always tell my patients, if I was going through this, that's one of the first things I'd do. It sounds like we're going to have a beautiful day Saturday and it will be great to see you and so many of your supporters in one place!