Sunday, March 23, 2008

Get out the sled Easter Bunny

Well, we've had a fantastic Wisconsin spring so far. We had 17 inches of snow on Friday which makes outdoor egg hunts and Easter dresses not possible. Here is a picture of the giant snowman we built today.

With spring in mind I went to a bike sale this past week and bought a new road bike. I am going to ride in the Scenic Shore 150 ride on the Wisconsin Athletic Club team. The ride is a fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I ordered the bike and it will be in at the end of April - as you can see, the weather isn't so great for riding right now.

Here is a picture of my new ride.....

Happy Easter everyone. Hopefully you are having more spring-like weather than we are!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's March!

I'm sure most of you reading this (in the Northern Hemisphere) are happy that we are approaching the end of winter. We had a warm day with a high of about 49 here - a real taste of what is to come.

March 1st was the one year anniversary of my diagnosis. Some of the time in between went by really fast, like the three weeks between each chemo treatment. Other times going slowly, like waiting to get the OK from the surgeons to increase my activity levels. It has been amazing how much my life as changed in the past year and the unbelievable support I have received from family and friends.

I'm looking forward to March 1, 2008 to 2009 being a great year and I hope it is for all of you too!