Monday, July 21, 2008

Wooo Hooo!!

Yippie!! I've done my first "century ride" - 100 miles on Saturday. We finished that off with 72.6 miles on Sunday. I guess it's actually the Scenic Shore 142.6. It just doesn't have the same ring to it as Scenic Shore 150.
Over 172.6 miles I averaged 16.62 miles per hour, had 10 hours and 20 minutes of ride time and had a maximum speed of 30.6 miles per hour. Calories burned: 4,900. We had a blast! There were over 900 riders that participated.

It was raining steadily when we left Mequon - the rain isn't so bad as the spray in your face from the bike in front of you, and the spray up your back and butt from your own bike. My shoes and socks were wet enough for a fish to be comfortable in. Here are some pictures from our group huddled under the tent before the start.

It stopped raining as we went North and we were dry from mid-morning on. We stopped at the first stop and rode past #2 - there was Nate standing there! I yelled at him to meet us at #3. It was quite a surprise to see him there. I heard later he'd been planning it all week - just there to cheer me on. Thanks Nate!!

Here are a couple pictures from our lunch stop around 11:00 or so. We were finally dry, but it was a little chilly right on the lake.

We started the optional century loop at around mile 62. Here is a picture of everyone from our group that did the century on Saturday. We circled around and ended up back at the same rest stop.
Even though it stopped raining, unfortunately it was very foggy along the lake most of the day, so our views weren't as great as they could have been. Once we had set up camp for the night it cleared up and the sun came out. Here is a picture of the camp - you can see the lake in the background.

Before dinner Kayla and I decided we should have some wine and ibuprofen to help with any pain we might feel later...

Dinner was spaghetti and more pasta and bread and ..... watch your plate Bob, Jim looks interested.

Here is Jes showing Jack some stretching moves. Stretch those hips Jack....

After all the rain we experienced on Saturday, we had dry hopes for the next day. But when you are outside all night there's always the dew. We got some saran wrap off a cafeteria food cart and Stephanie thought it looked like the perfect size to cover that whole that a body or a bike under there?

Thanks to the weather, we got to enjoy the sound of a fog horn all night! At one point there was a ship on the way in to the harbor answering back. Really lovely at 11:00 at night. Then the lightning came and it rained. I'd say I fell asleep around 11:40 and was up at 5:00am.

Here is a picture of some of the group on Sunday morning ready to go at 7:15 after a restful night. The green shirts (me on the bottom left) are for raising over $1,000. Greg is the other one in the green, our team captain.

Here is a picture of the "girls riding group" we had going for much of Sunday. Jes said she was happy to be riding with the girls - me too!!

This picture was for Olivia - can you say "WOW" with your body?? Yup Olivia, I can!!

What a blast!! I can't wait for next year!!!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hit the Road

Well, it's time to leave for the ride. The flood watch was cancelled yesterday and the "high winds" forecast for north of here is gone for tomorrow. There is a chance for scattered storms, but that sure beats a flood.

I've got the camera in a plastic baggie in my bike all ready to go so I'll be sharing soon!

Friday, July 11, 2008

One week to go...

Hi Everyone,

I want to thank everyone who has donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scenic Shore 150 ride. I have raise $2,205 (so far) and our team has raised almost $11,000. I'm really looking forward to the ride and am keeping my fingers crossed for good weather.

We've had two accidents/crashes during our training rides, but both people are still going to ride next weekend. One resulted in a broken wrist and one in an ambulance ride with ultimately only some road rash and some bruises. Christine went over her handlebars at about 20 miles an hour and cracked her helmet and thankfully she is OK. It was a very scary experience.

I'll be sure to bring my camera and update everyone on the ride. It should be tons of fun!!

Take care everyone!


Saturday, July 5, 2008

5th of July Fireworks

We had a great 4th of July yesterday - parade with family and neighbors, family to our house for a lunch BBQ, some quiet time in the afternoon, our old neighbors - Mike and Heidi - over for dinner, then the fireworks! We ran into a friend of Olivia's from school and they had tons of fun. We didn't get home until about 10:00 - so the girls weren't asleep until about 10:15 or a bit later. They are usually asleep by 8:00 - so it was a late night. Olivia slept in this morning and we're not sure what time Carina was up - but Matt woke up at 8:00 with her sleeping on my side of the bed! I had left the house a little before 6 for a group bike ride.

Everyone held together quite well until late this afternoon. Just before dinner, Carina had the melt-down of all melt-downs. Nuclear proportions. She was going crazy that she wanted corn dogs for dinner. Well, we weren't having corn dogs for dinner. This was a BIG problem for her. I had taken our dinner out of the oven and put some on her plate. At this point she had already been screaming about corn dogs for about 10 minutes. I put the plate down to her level so she could see what it was. By the time I turned around she was already leaving the room so I walked after with the plate. She took off running from me and that plate as if I were chasing her with an axe. It was about the funniest thing I have ever seen.

Things improved only slightly after that. The troops were in bed at 6:45. Happy 5th of July.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Save the Date!!

The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is on Sunday, September 28th. I have formed the Bosom Buddies team again. Last year there were 43 members, this year, hopefully 50! Please visit the link to the right to view the team page and join the team.

You need to register on-line by September 5th. I will pick up everyones shirts and drop off as many as I can. Otherwise, we will meet again before the race and you can get your shirt at that time.

I'm in for the timed run this year! Hope you can join us! Registration is easy - just go to the link to the right and click on Join Our Team at the top of the page.

Here are some pictures from last year's event.