Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Day of School!

It's been quite awhile since the last post - like all summer. We had a great one and now it's back to school! Both girls did great - now we've got a 1st grader and a 4-K!

We just got a new laptop and I've been trying to find the cable to download these pictures for about 1/2 an hour. Here they are!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Olivia Toothless Wonder - Live from FL

After DAYS and DAYS and DAYS of a dangling, periodially bleeding tooth that caused lots of whining and pain for all - Olivia's second front tooth finally fell out (literally) at dinner.

Here is her new look!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

School is out! But where is summer?

School is over, but is sure doesn't feel like summer outside. On Sunday we're headed to the beach for some fun in the sun and WARMTH! We are all very excited. Here are some pictures from the last week of school. Olivia said she's excited about Florida, but didn't want school to be over.

We had her class picnic on Wednesday and the weather was cool, but sunny.
Carina was long for the fun too. She even played in the dress-up relay.

Carina took this picture of Olivia and I this morning before Olivia left for school.

Olivia made this card for her teacher yesterday. The inside said "I'll miss you Mrs. Thiel." Look at the sad, sad face she drew on the back. Those are some heavy duty tears! I asked Olivia if anyone cried today when school ended and she told me that her and some of her friends were crying inside their heads. Why can't she do her whining inside her head too?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Trek 100!

It took us a little over 6 hours of ride time to finish our 100 mile ride today. Here are some pictures from the "non-waterproof" camera before the start. The weather was 55 (at best), windy, and included a few rain showers.

It's always good to have the appropriate footwear.

Make sure you put the wheel on right Chris. Look at those flames - he must be fast.

Dad and I ready to roll. Too bad I decided not to take the jacket - we were periodically FREEZING.

Guy - can you even fit those arm warmers over those huge pipes?

Karina the super-rider.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's been a looong time!!

There are several updates to share - I've been to London on business, turned 36, Matt's turned 40!!, the Trek 100 Ride is this Saturday - Dad and I are both riding - AND NATE donated his hair to Locks for Love.

In London on the Thames River.

Matt, Carina and Olivia at the Brewer Game on Matt's 40th Birthday.


Here's how it will look Uncle Nate!

The first cut is the hardest!


Wow Nate! Looking fabulous!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

There has been a lot of news around here. Olivia lost a tooth at school last Tuesday at lunch. She has a fabulous new look!

Thursday I took the day off and painted the family room for a second time. Here are the before, before, and after pictures.

We had Easter brunch with Matt's family today and there was an egg hunt. The girls got to hang out with their cousins and had a great time.

There is an all-district elementary school art show at the Wauwatosa Public Library and Olivia has a piece of artwork in the show. We went to see it this afternoon. There are some fabulous artists in Wauwatosa elementary schools!
On the bike front I have been derailed this weekend due to another scar problem. This is a new problem with the scar that was "revised" in December and may be due to injecting the tissue with steroid resulting in "necrotic fat". I'd suspect my fat would be more along the lines of neurotic. Anyway, the Dr. had to re-do a couple areas of the scar, so now I have new stitches. That was yesterday. Needless to say, this is getting quite old. So when he came into the exam room and he was saying I don't remember what and I said something about G*d dam* @uck#ng something or another. Nice. I think he got the idea. It's a little sore, so no riding this weekend. Maybe by next weekend it will be warmer?
I hope everyone has a Happy Easter! And thank you to those who have donated for the Trek 100!

Monday, April 6, 2009


A freezing cold beginning to a ride on Saturday morning and Olivia coming home sick from school today. Those are the icing on the winter cake. Enough. Done. No more. I think if this goes on much longer I will go crazy.

I've decided I'm going outside no matter what now. My dad and I got a 40 mile ride in on Saturday morning. We're determined to be prepared for the 100 miles on June 6th. So far so good, but this weather needs to continue to improve.

Please check the Trek 100 link on the right side of the page and consider donating. Any amount - even $10 is appreciated. Or, if you prefer, I've begun my fundraising page for the Scenic Shore 150 as well. That is in July.

Thank you so much!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Circus Freaks, Plastic Surgeons, and Shots

As you can tell from the title, I've missed quite a few posts lately.

A few weeks ago we took the girls to the Tripoli Shrine Circus.

The first thing that we saw was the lion tamer. There were six or seven tigers that were brought out in cages and then came the tamer into the cage, center ring, right in front of us. This guy was UNBELIEVABLE!!! He had blond long hair, cut mullet style and slightly frizzed out. He had on tight pants, high boots, and no shirt. Well, there were some glittery straps across his chest somehow. He was a complete trip. I just kept saying to Matt, "Can you believe this guy?" He was such a hoot. Olivia said, "Mom, what happened to his shirt?" Then there was the high wire act, also right in front of us. For some reason there was a blow up pillow type thing that never got inflated until the seven man pyramid. As you can see, it all made Olivia quite nervous. Carina apparently doesn't yet understand the danger of the tight-rope walking.

Then there was the preparation for Dave, the Human Cannon Ball. He was a huge hit.

Today Carina and I both had doctors appointments.

I got to go first. Not only do I have no problems, but I was informed I was picture-perfect in the reconstruction department, minus the tattoos. So much so that I will be on the surgeon's website. How about that? Of course, it will be in a nameless, faceless way. The tattoos won't be done until fall because the Dr. wants to wait six months and I want to wait until after the summer. I will see him next in October.

March 1 was actually my two year cancerversary. Two years ago when I was diagnosed I would never have thought that things wouldn't be done by this time. I have an appointment for a visit with the oncologist on Thursday, just a routine visit with a little lab work. The lab work can't tell if there is any sort of problem as far as recurrence, but it tells them if anything else isn't functioning properly.

Next, it was Carina's turn - her 4-year old check up. She's 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height, although you wouldn't know that by the way her pants fit - or fall down. Then it was time for her booster shots. Our pediatrician gives an option of this at the 4-year appointment or 5-year. I decided there's no time like the present, especially because I can still carry her easily if I need to. There were 4 shots and she handled it like a champ and didn't shed a single tear. Then we hit the McDonald's drive-thru on the way home for a Happy Meal and that made things even better. She was a little sore this evening, but some Tylenol seems to have taken care of that.

Now all we need is spring!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

MACC Fund Trek 100 Ride

Hi Everyone!
I'm now registered for the two events I will ride in this summer. Last year I participated in my first Scenic Shore 150 and rode 100 miles for the first time. My goal for this year is two 100-mile rides - one will be the Trek 100 that is the largest fundraiser for the MACC Fund. The second is the Scenic Shore.

Proceeds from this great ride for a great cause support critical pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research. The Trek 100 is the mainstay of the MACC Fund’s athletic fundraisers. It is one of the largest fundraising efforts for childhood cancer and related blood disorder research in the United States. Collectively the Trek 100 has contributed $8.0 million to support pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research!

I've posted a link on the right of this page if you would like to donate. Thank you!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Signs of Summer

Ok, certainly not signs as far as weather, although we were lucky to have rain today and not snow! I've once again registered for the Scenic Shore 150 ride for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. There is a link to my donation site under the links listing on the right side of the page.

Summer is just around the corner!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm 4!

Last Wednesday was Carina's fourth birthday. She was sooo excited that she was telling everyone who would listen. The samples as the grocery store that morning even included cake! How perfect for a birthday sample! She said it was good, but at first it tasted like salmon. I find that interesting, because she has never tasted salmon.

For her birthday party she only wanted to have her best friend Mallory over. They played for awhile then we went to the Humane Society and then picked up McDonald's to have at home. We were on our way home with lunch when Mallory informed us that this was the best birthday party she ever went to. These girls are the cutest together!

Here are some pictures from Carina's birthday....
A hug for Mallroy.

Birthday cupcakes after McDonald's luncheon...Carina and Mom.
We had about 5 or 6 inches of snow yesterday. The girls and I went sledding this afternoon. It was the first time we've been all year! We had a great time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still No Meat

Everyone is doing well and we've been enjoying our warm weather stretch. Olivia is doing just great in school - I'm amazed at the work she brings home and her reading abilities. Carina is continuing on her vegetarian path. She has now informed us that "eating animals is not good for her". So, we are expanding our store of veggie burgers and will see how that goes. I'm not sure if she really doesn't like meat or just wants waffles and syrup for every meal. Actually, I think she would just prefer dessert for every meal - just like her mom!

I've been making frequent trips to the doctor during the past month after some complications following another small plastic surgery at the beginning of December. I went to get some stitches out today and things look good and I will go back in another month.

I'll do another post after Carina's birthday next Wednesday.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Is It From a Barn?

This part of our dinner conversation one night this week:
Carina: "What is this?"
Me: "It's chicken."
C: "Where does chicken come from?"
Me: "The grocery store."
Olivia: "And a factory."
C: "Does it come from a barn?"
Olivia: "Yes."
C: "Then I'm not eating it."

She did, however, eat the avocados. She's also been into blueberries and asked where those came from as well. I told her they come from a farm. She asked if they came from a barn. I told her they were not the same thing and the blueberries grew on plants, in a field, on a farm. Apparently that is ok. I may be cooking for a vegetarian in the future.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

She's 6!?!?!

Happy birthday to you Olivia!

We celebrated Olivia's 6th birthday this week. It is so hard to believe that she is already 6. It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home and were up all night with her crying!

On the night of her birthday we went out to Noodles & Co. for dinner - and she had her favorite Mac & Cheese. Tonight she had four girls over for pizza and a movie. Everyone came in their p.j.'s and they all had a great time. Here is a picture of the girls watching Tinkerbell.

They all had lots of fun and are a great group of kids. Yippie for a fun birthday party!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Love Winter and Sub-Zero Weather!

Actually, I do not love these things. However, since I love summer and that time goes so fast, maybe if I love this weather then it will be over more quickly.

School is cancelled Friday and it was today as well. That is now TWO days that need to be made up. Hopefully there aren't any more snow or cold days this year. I love snow and ice and cold and early darkness. There, I will just keep saying it over and over.

There is some exciting news at our house. Matt was the singles ping-pong champion at the family tournament last weekend. But - don't say that in front of Uncle Tom. Post-tournament Uncle Tom challenged Matt and it seems that Matt lost to him then. Matt says I wouldn't understand it - something about Uncle Tom beating him twice in two out of three. Too confusing.

Hope everyone is doing well - stay warm!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

We survived all four of our Christmas celebrations and a New Year's Eve party! The intent on New Year's Eve was to have the girls home and in bed by 9:15 or so. Well, as it turns out, we didn't leave our friend's house until 10:45! Fortunately it's close to home. When Olivia got in bed she said, "Mom, my clock says 10 - 5 - 8!". They did great the next day at my Mom's despite the lack of sleep!
The kids having their pizza at the New Year's party...

Me with our gracious hostess, Steph...
Carina just as we were getting ready to leave - do you think she looks tired?

Today it was back to school and work. Matt was off the entire time between Christmas Eve and today and I only worked the Monday after Christmas. We had a great time with the girls. Olivia is now a Wii bowling expert. She got four strikes in a row on Sunday - or was that Saturday?

Everything else is fine here - we're looking forward to a fun and healthy 2009 and we wish the same for all of you!