Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Play Ball!

The baseball outting was a huge success. Unfortunately I forgot my camera, so here are some baseballish pictures from after we got home. Olivia and Carina got to hear fireworks twice, once the Brewer's first time at bat and once for a home run. They handled it quite well and Olivia even said that the fireworks and the food (just like Mom) were her favorite part of the game.

Quinn is sporting the mini-batting helmet the cheese fries were in. Olivia and Carina thought this was funny. The ladies are showing off their new prized possessions, Bill Hall bobble-heads. Carina wanted to sleep with hers, but we had to tell her no.

The picture with Olivia in the hall is also from tonight. We heard some activity upstairs after the girls were in bed, but sometimes Olivia runs around collecting things or turning lights on. Matt went upstairs for something and found Olivia with her little sleeping area all made up. This is the first time this has happened and I have to say that I crack up just thinkng about that sight. Matt relocated her to her own bed without incident.
This Thursday is treament #3 - 1/2 way!! I'm getting a little more tired, but that's it for now. Hopefully that doesn't get too much worse. I guess we'll see soon enought. The good news is eyebrows and lashes are still intact.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Hays Companies Scarf Day

A colleague of mine organized a scarf day today at work. Several of my hair-clad (and some not...) co-workers wore their scarves and durags to show their support for the resident hairless woman. Thank you all - it was great to see you all looking so cool. The head of our office, Dan, the third in from the left in the back row, also shaved his head - unsolicited. What a wonderful group you all are. I think if you click on the picture you can make it larger. I am actually wearing my new skull and cross-bones!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Graduation Day

I "graduated" from physical therapy today! I had my last session this afternoon. I almost think I'm going to be a little lost without it for awhile.

Last Saturday I attended my first spin class at the gym since my surgery. It seemed like I hadn't been gone long at all. I felt great the rest of the day. I'm hoping I can continue going two days a week.

My shipment of new head-wear I mentioned in my last post arrived today. I can't wait to share some pictures once I get a chance to wear them.

Hope everyone is doing well!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Shop til you drop

I just did a little on-line shopping for some new bandannas. I have to wait 5-7 days but am quite excited about my new purchases. I decided that my tough look wouldn't be complete without some skull and cross bones. I can't wait to model them for you!!

Everything is going well. I'm feeling great and going strong! Ooohhhh, I just keep thinking about my wonderful purchases.

Time for some rest....I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Two down!

Just a quick update to let everyone know I'm doing well. Thursday before my treatment I had an appointment with Dr. Chitambar and he and his nurse practitioner (Julie) called me a "chemo poster child". My blood test two weeks after the first treatment was good and everything was where it should have been. I did tell Julie that I would like if she could arrange for my leg hair to fall out or stop growing with this treatment. Not only would I be saving money on hair products for my head, but no more razors or shaving gel. She informed me that it may be that only the hair you don't want to fall out will, and unfortunately they aren't able to change that.

I'm also taking some acidolphilus pills (the stuff that is in yogurt since I can't stand yogurt) and Dr. Chitambar said "ah, well I guess you can keep taking them." Then we agreed that I wouldn't take them during the second week. I told him if I was miserable I was going to send him a nasty e-mail. He said that then he would tell me to go have some creamy french onion soup. (If I didn't mention it already, after my first treatment Matt and I went out for lunch and I had creamy french onion soup, a (big) half sandwich and two cookies - thanks to the steroids. I attribute that to some of my problems the first round.)

Thursday night was better than last time, likely because of my smaller lunch. The girls went over to our neighbors for pizza, which was a huge help. I watched a movie in bed at 6:30. I think the kids were excited to have me up there because Carina kept kicking the wall and Olivia was shining her flashlight into our room.

I hope you are all having a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Hi Everyone,
I decided to change the look of things a little on the blog just because I figured out how.

So the newspaper article thing turned out to be a bigger deal than I first thought. My uncle who lives in Albuquerque called my Dad and said that the article was in their paper too. After this happened I did a little google search and the picture was in the Dallas News with an article about some radiation clinical trials that were discussed at an oncology conference in Chicago last weekend. I told my physical therapist who was in the picture too and she was amused.

Now on to the topic of hair, or lack thereof. For those of you with hair, I thought I'd share a couple things with you. Having no hair is very chilly. It feels like getting your hair wet with cold water then standing in front of a fan. Having no hair also makes preparing to leave the house much quicker. No noisy hair dryers either. The girls are always telling me to put my hair on or take my hair off. Carina (the 2 year old) even told Grandma to take her hair off the other day.

Tomorrow (Thursday) is my second of the six treatments. I'm hoping that I can make a couple changes from last time and not feel so crappy tomorrow night. Good news is then I will be 1/3 done. That much closer to the end, closer to our family vacation we want to take in October and (hopefully) closer to a trip to Prague to see my WBN friends and colleagues in November.

All else here is fine, Olivia misses her teachers now that school is over, Carina is big into hitting, and Quinn is fully recovered. What about Matt you ask? He's watching TV (something about golf) and drinking a beer so he seems quite happy right now.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Oh My, Your Hair Grows Fast

Olivia took this for me before I left for work. More to follow.....