Thursday, February 26, 2009

Signs of Summer

Ok, certainly not signs as far as weather, although we were lucky to have rain today and not snow! I've once again registered for the Scenic Shore 150 ride for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. There is a link to my donation site under the links listing on the right side of the page.

Summer is just around the corner!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm 4!

Last Wednesday was Carina's fourth birthday. She was sooo excited that she was telling everyone who would listen. The samples as the grocery store that morning even included cake! How perfect for a birthday sample! She said it was good, but at first it tasted like salmon. I find that interesting, because she has never tasted salmon.

For her birthday party she only wanted to have her best friend Mallory over. They played for awhile then we went to the Humane Society and then picked up McDonald's to have at home. We were on our way home with lunch when Mallory informed us that this was the best birthday party she ever went to. These girls are the cutest together!

Here are some pictures from Carina's birthday....
A hug for Mallroy.

Birthday cupcakes after McDonald's luncheon...Carina and Mom.
We had about 5 or 6 inches of snow yesterday. The girls and I went sledding this afternoon. It was the first time we've been all year! We had a great time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still No Meat

Everyone is doing well and we've been enjoying our warm weather stretch. Olivia is doing just great in school - I'm amazed at the work she brings home and her reading abilities. Carina is continuing on her vegetarian path. She has now informed us that "eating animals is not good for her". So, we are expanding our store of veggie burgers and will see how that goes. I'm not sure if she really doesn't like meat or just wants waffles and syrup for every meal. Actually, I think she would just prefer dessert for every meal - just like her mom!

I've been making frequent trips to the doctor during the past month after some complications following another small plastic surgery at the beginning of December. I went to get some stitches out today and things look good and I will go back in another month.

I'll do another post after Carina's birthday next Wednesday.