Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Circus Freaks, Plastic Surgeons, and Shots

As you can tell from the title, I've missed quite a few posts lately.

A few weeks ago we took the girls to the Tripoli Shrine Circus.

The first thing that we saw was the lion tamer. There were six or seven tigers that were brought out in cages and then came the tamer into the cage, center ring, right in front of us. This guy was UNBELIEVABLE!!! He had blond long hair, cut mullet style and slightly frizzed out. He had on tight pants, high boots, and no shirt. Well, there were some glittery straps across his chest somehow. He was a complete trip. I just kept saying to Matt, "Can you believe this guy?" He was such a hoot. Olivia said, "Mom, what happened to his shirt?" Then there was the high wire act, also right in front of us. For some reason there was a blow up pillow type thing that never got inflated until the seven man pyramid. As you can see, it all made Olivia quite nervous. Carina apparently doesn't yet understand the danger of the tight-rope walking.

Then there was the preparation for Dave, the Human Cannon Ball. He was a huge hit.

Today Carina and I both had doctors appointments.

I got to go first. Not only do I have no problems, but I was informed I was picture-perfect in the reconstruction department, minus the tattoos. So much so that I will be on the surgeon's website. How about that? Of course, it will be in a nameless, faceless way. The tattoos won't be done until fall because the Dr. wants to wait six months and I want to wait until after the summer. I will see him next in October.

March 1 was actually my two year cancerversary. Two years ago when I was diagnosed I would never have thought that things wouldn't be done by this time. I have an appointment for a visit with the oncologist on Thursday, just a routine visit with a little lab work. The lab work can't tell if there is any sort of problem as far as recurrence, but it tells them if anything else isn't functioning properly.

Next, it was Carina's turn - her 4-year old check up. She's 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height, although you wouldn't know that by the way her pants fit - or fall down. Then it was time for her booster shots. Our pediatrician gives an option of this at the 4-year appointment or 5-year. I decided there's no time like the present, especially because I can still carry her easily if I need to. There were 4 shots and she handled it like a champ and didn't shed a single tear. Then we hit the McDonald's drive-thru on the way home for a Happy Meal and that made things even better. She was a little sore this evening, but some Tylenol seems to have taken care of that.

Now all we need is spring!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

MACC Fund Trek 100 Ride

Hi Everyone!
I'm now registered for the two events I will ride in this summer. Last year I participated in my first Scenic Shore 150 and rode 100 miles for the first time. My goal for this year is two 100-mile rides - one will be the Trek 100 that is the largest fundraiser for the MACC Fund. The second is the Scenic Shore.

Proceeds from this great ride for a great cause support critical pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research. The Trek 100 is the mainstay of the MACC Fund’s athletic fundraisers. It is one of the largest fundraising efforts for childhood cancer and related blood disorder research in the United States. Collectively the Trek 100 has contributed $8.0 million to support pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research!

I've posted a link on the right of this page if you would like to donate. Thank you!