Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Thank you for your donations!!

I want to thank everyone for their generous donations for the Sandy's Striders team for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Milwaukee on May 5th. So far the team has raised over $1,700!! How impressive!

I've started working with a physcal therapist at Froedert to improve my range of motion in my left arm (especially). I have my second appointment tomorrow. The therapist has been able to answer many questions that I have regarding recovery, strength and beginning to exercise again.

Speaking of exercise, I've been back to the gym for two days now. I'm riding the recumbant bike - which is comfortable because there is no bumping for my upper body. It seems to be working well, the next step will be the eliptical but with no arms. I might survive the 5 mile walk on the 5th yet!

Thursday is a big day. We will meet with the oncologist in the morning and likely be discussing the details of the chemo treatment. I go back to work on Thursday as well. It's hard to believe I've been gone for three weeks. At the same time I think back to the day before the surgery and it seems so long ago.

Hopefully everyone reading this is doing well. Again, for those of you that have donated or plan on walking with us on the 5th, thank you very much!!


Pam Roble said...

The donations so far are very impressive...and this is the amount raised online...just think what it will be after all the walkers bring in their donations on the day of the walk!!

Speaking of the walk, the T-shirts are ordered, and will be sent out as soon as I get them.

Sandy, it sounds like you're doing great. The walk is actually 5 kilometers (3.2 miles), so we hope you can walk with us. If not, you can cheer us on as we finish!!

Good luck on your first day back to work, and with your oncologist. I'll be checking you blog to see what he has to say.


Unknown said...

Think we can fit you in the big stroller? Good luck Thursday, and keep us posted.

Love you,