Here are some pictures from Froedert. The one with the girls is from today. The ladies are Sherry (turquoise) and Jacki (navy blue) my favorite tech and RN that have been here during the days for Sherry and pm's for Jacki. As you can see, I'm wearing the recommended eye patch in one of the picures. They are both wonderful people - as are the others, both doctors and nurses that have been caring for me.
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.
Talk to you soon,
The patch is a nice touch. Its nice to see you smiling, even though with a smile that big, I know that they got your drug cocktail right! We're so glad to hear you're coming home tomorrow. Happy Easter to you and yours. We're sending good thoughts and drugs your way!
Megan, Chris & Coop
It's wonderful to see a picture of you. Glad to hear you are coming home on Monday also. If there is anything I can do please give me a call! I am available. Keep smiling!
Happy Easter to everyone!
Sandy, you are looking so great! I'm sure you are happy about losing a few of those tubes and wires and coming home on Monday. It may be a little more challenging at home, so if you need anything, just let me know. I'm happy to take the girs for a day, or even a few hours. Keep up the quick recovery. It is indeed a Happy Easter.
Nancy & John
You look as beautiful as ever. Don't loose that smile. Karen
Now that the Schneiders are back in town and back in touch, it was sure nice seeing pictures of a smiling Sandy and knowing that the surgery went well. HIP HIP HOORAY! Hugs and kisses to you, Matt and the girls.
Thanks for the pictures! It's reassuring to see smiling faces. Keep up the recovery! Jen, Mark, Lisa and Nick
There have been numerous requests for another “special story”. Ironically, none of them have been from Olivia. How fast they grow up and develop good taste. Nevertheless, here is:
Once upon a time there was a special young woman (main character in the first special story) who was almost the first patient to get kicked out of Froedert Hospital. Fortunately, she was also beguiling and was able to schmooze her way through the difficulties. In fact, she left many new friends behind and, in all likelihood, only one permanent enemy. That would be the Hospital Dietician who the young woman was ready to throttle for serving every meal during her stay with cooked carrots. And then there was the Jello that they tried to turn into virtually every food known to man. The young woman suspected that the Easter Ham they tried to get her to eat was actually made out of Jello.
The best part of the story is that, in spite of the food, the young woman recovered quickly from her surgery and was soon at home with her very nice husband and two beautiful little girls. That made the young woman and her family and about a grillion friends and supporters very happy. Even the Froedert Dietician was happy. So, as hard as it was to get to the right ending in this one, they still ALL lived happily ever after. The End.
Only someone as special as Sandy could get this one to come out right.
Love you, Dad
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