Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Hi Everyone

We decided that the best way to keep everyone informed was to create this page. We want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers to this point.

I was dianosed with invasive ductal carcenoma last Thursday (3/1), the tumor is 1.4 cm across and much narrower. It was first discovered in an MRI that I had on 2/12. The MRI was done because I had pevious gentic tesing due to family history and have the BRCA-1 mutation. I had a mammogram in November and nothing showed up. I also had a mamogram after the biopsy and the mammogram still didn't show anything.

On Tuesday (3/6), Matt and I met with a plastic surgeon and the surgeon from the Breast Care Center at Froedert Hospital. The biopsy showed that the tumor is estrogen and progesterone receptor negative. It is a Grade 3 (not to be confused with any of the stages!). They also tested the closest lymph node on Monday but I haven't heard about that yet. The doctor did comment that that test is not 100% accurate and they really can't confirm this until the surgery.

The first step in this process is for the surgery to be scheduled. We are waiting for that now. Right now, it looks like after the surgery there will be 6 sessions of chemotherapy each three weeks apart. The first treatment will be around two weeks after the surgery.

We will put an update here when we learn more, most likely when the surgery is schedued.


Glenn Galloway said...

Our hopes and prayers are with you Sandy. We're all rooting for ya!
with love,

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you need help with the girls......I have 3 good helpers at home

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about a get together before your surgery? It could be a small intimate affair (you know, because our family is so quiet and sedate)

Mom and Steve said...

Surprise!! Yes, Mom and Steve,actually did it! I have to confess. it was Steve! Great way to keep everyone informed.

Meg Pearce said...

We're sending you huge amounts of love and white light, Sandy. Tonight and every night you will be woven into our goodnight prayers with Annabelle, Liam, and Marina pullng for you along with Marc and me. You are a remarkable and strong woman. That incredible Lockhart DNA will help too. With love from Margaret.

k&d said...

It has taken me ihour and forty five minutes to set this up. Anybody for snail mail? OH that's right, our ISP is snail e-mail. i will talk to you later when my blood pressure is stable. Love you all. Karen

4holmes said...

Hi Sandy (and lets not forget Matt) We're thinking of you guys! If you need any help....ask Beth. ttfn..Jenny

PASchells said...

Great idea for keeping everyone updated (especially us "out of towners"). We are thinking of you and Matt and the girls. You have our love and support.

Uncle Howie, Aunt Debbie, and Eric

Carla/Tom Schell said...

Hi Sandy - we are all thinking about you/Matt and the children and are in our thoughts and prayers. If there is anything I can do - please give me a call. One day at a time and you will get through this. This is a GREAT idea to keep us all informed.
All Our Love - Carla/Tom and Evan

Kendra said...

Hi, Sandy! I don't know if you're aware, but I'm an RN in the chemotherapy clinic at UW, while I'm sure your doctors and nurses are great, if you ever have a question about anything, I'm more than willing to help. I'll keep reading the blog to see how you're doing.

Steve and Jacki said...

Matt and Sandy
What a great way of keeping everyone informed although I wish it were under happier circumstances. Just know that you have our love and support and that you can BEAT THIS THING!
Much Love,
Steve and Jacki

Aunt Joan said...

Hi Sandy,
You are facing this situation with your usual courage and class. You've always held a special place in my heart and I am proud to be your aunt.
Love, Aunt Joan
P.S. When you get the implants, ask for the Jennifer Hudson size.

heimerl clan said...

Like everyone else -- you, Matt and the girls are in our thoughts and prayers. Ask Beth for help because she is closer --- :) would do anything for any of you!!!!

Rachel said...

Hi Pelzeks,
I talked to Liz and heard your news a few days ago. We just wanted you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you guys, and luckily Sandy, you are such a staunch, strong woman with such a can do attitude that I know you will do fabulously. And, with your goofy sidekick Matt and his associated sense of humor, he can keep you laughing throughout this scary unknown time. We MISS you guys and love you and are praying for you all.
Love Rob and Rachel

Kathy said...

Hi Sandy and Matt..nice pictures.
Just wanted to say we are thinking of you guys! Looks like you've got a lot of good friends and relatives coming out of the woodwork. If we're talking team players (according to your dad) Matt will be a great quarterback for you and you have one heck of a team behind you. I don't think the opposing team has a chance!
See ya and love you much.
Kathy and Tom

Nancy & John said...

Hi Sandy and Matt - This blog is a great idea! I have our whole church congregation praying for you, a positive attitude will help a lot too. Let us know if there is anything I can do. Love you.
The Langes

Aunt Joan said...

Hi Sandy,
Olivia looks pretty good in those hats. I might want to try on a few as well...Easter is right around the corner you know. And by the way, you are my hero and I love you.
Aunt Joan
P.S. Sorry Wisconsin lost.