Sunday, March 23, 2008

Get out the sled Easter Bunny

Well, we've had a fantastic Wisconsin spring so far. We had 17 inches of snow on Friday which makes outdoor egg hunts and Easter dresses not possible. Here is a picture of the giant snowman we built today.

With spring in mind I went to a bike sale this past week and bought a new road bike. I am going to ride in the Scenic Shore 150 ride on the Wisconsin Athletic Club team. The ride is a fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I ordered the bike and it will be in at the end of April - as you can see, the weather isn't so great for riding right now.

Here is a picture of my new ride.....

Happy Easter everyone. Hopefully you are having more spring-like weather than we are!!


Unknown said...

nice wheels and snowman. Hope it warms up soon!

Love you,


Sarah Eigel said...

Oh man, I was mad about the 1 inch of snow we got. I don't feel so bad anymore.
Very nice snowman!
Glad to hear all is going well. Can't wait to see you guys again.

Dad said...

The ride is going to be rugged with no pedals but if anyone can handle it, it's you. Tell Amy you're one year anniversary may be an appropriate time to update the website banner.

Love you,


Aunt Joan said...

Wow...sorry your Easter weather was so bad. It was lovely here in Chicago...we hid eggs outside and I wore a sundress and sandals. Yeah, right? Nice bike...does it come with snow tires? I love your new website banner. It made me cry.
Love, AJ