Friday, August 10, 2007

Only one more.....

Yesterday was treatment #5. Not as bad as the first one, but worse than the last. I can't even begin to say how happy I am about this almost being over. I can't imagine those that have to go through treatment after treatment hoping for shrinking tumors with no real end in sight. I sure hope that I will never be in that position.

The Dr. said that three weeks after my last treatment they'll have me back in for a blood draw to see how my counts are. Then, if they are OK, we can schedule the medi-port to be removed.

After that it's back to the plastic surgeon.

As far as the plan with the oncologist after that, it seems there are no magical blood tests and they don't do any sort of scans. It's monitoring some blood counts to be sure that the treatment didn't wreck anything, then it's just me letting them know if something doesn't seem right. He is going to work with radiology and the Breast Care Center to determine what type of imaging screening will be done.

The hardest thing is going to be to try not to think about a recurrence all the time. Hearing the statistics about recurrence is scary. It seems my chances in 10 years are 3%. When you talk about something like a recurrence, 3% seems like a huge number. When you think about it in terms of a lottery drawing, they seem low. It's all the perspective. I think it's best just to take it a day at time. I will not be consumed with worry.

I also want to remind everyone the deadline for on-line registration for the Race for the Cure is August 30th! Thank you to those who have already signed up and to those that have donated!!


Liz said...

3%? That's nothing in comparison to your wonderful attitude and your amazing spirit. But just in case, we'll keep our prayers going so that number continues to shrink in the future.

We are so very proud of you and the way you have handled this entire process. You are certainly quite the role model and we are humbled and honored to call you our friend.

We love you.

Scott, Liz & Isabella

Pam Roble said...


You have the right attitude. Just take one day at a time. While it will always be in the back of your mind, the frequency that you think about recurrence diminishes as time goes on. Life is here to enjoy, and from looking at your pictures, you are enjoying it!!!


Aunt Joan said...

Hi Sandy,
I have many, many friends who are long time cancer survivors and none of them were ever given a number as awesome as 3%. I know you wanted to hear zero, but those docs never use that number! Pam's advice sounds very day at a time and enjoy.
Love, AJ