Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sleeping Through the Night Before 1 Week....

Everything is going well here. I actually went back to work for 1/2 day today. I'm a little sore, but nothing like the first surgery. This is a piece of cake.

I have some friends in the neighborhood asking how the twins are doing. I have the first twins ever to sleep through the night before being home even a week. There is still some swelling, so it's hard to tell how things will look. The doctor said that should be gone in about two weeks then I'll go back and see him again.

In the mean time, I'm wearing a sports bra all the time to help keep things from moving around. The good news is I definately didn't wake up with D's. The physician assistant from the dr. office did say that they were arguing over the size in the operating room!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Before and After Pictures

Seriously, no pictures. Everything went well yesterday. I went into surgery a 8:20 and was home at 12:30! I'm a little sore, but not nearly as sore as the first surgery. I have serious restrictions on movement for awhile, so that will be a little tough.

I just wanted to let everyone know I'm doing fine. Hope its the same for all of you!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Size D...are you kidding?!?!

Come on now, Carla. You know I'm so skinny that if I had size D's I'd tip right over. (heeheehee) Then again, I'll be knocked out so who knows what I'll wake up with. Dr. Whitfield looked in some catalog and called out some numbers, so I'm not quite sure what I'm in for.

I'll let you know how things work out! Thank you everyone for your thoughts.

Breast wishes,

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Olivia!

It's been quite awhile since my last post. Everything is going great. My hair is growing like crazy and is also completely CURLY!! It's basically out of control! This picture is from today.

Olivia turned 5 today and we had a party for her. Our whole family was here (minus Uncle Nate who is out in Boston as school!) and Olivia had a great time. Tonight before bed she told me that she "had more fun at her party than she did at Christmas"!

She had a couple other fantastic comments. When she opened a dress that her Grandma and Grandpa got her she said, "I saw this in a magazine! It's just what I always wanted!". When she opened an alarm clock for her room from her Aunt Sharon she said, "It's perfect because I'm always sleeping so late!"

Before I put up the pictures from the party I need to share a couple from the other morning. Carina informed me that while I made her breakfast she was going to read the paper. Look closely - she's reading the Obituaries!

Here are some pictures from Olivia's party today....

The picture above from the left is cousin Audrey, Olivia, cousin Greta and Carina. The girls are dressed up in some silk scarves.

I have a surgery coming up on Friday. It's with the plastic surgeon and is an outpatient surgery. I'll be off work the following week. One of the moms from Olivia's class organized dinners for us during that week. We'll be getting 6 meals from Olivia's classmates. We are so grateful for that. What a kind thing for them to do. I'll do another post next weekend to let everyone know how it goes....